Renaissance Rug Cleaning Inc.
Open 9:30-5:30 M-F
Closed weekends
no appointment is needed
for drop-off & Pick-up,
Renaissance Your Rug!

Wool Moth & Rugs
Nothing sparks fear in the heart of rug and textile lovers more than rug moths. Wool moths are stealthy; they seek out dark, undisturbed areas to lay eggs, and when those eggs hatch the larvae have voraciously apatite for protein fibers like wool, cashmere, alpaca, and other protein fibers.
Prevention is critical; once wool moths have a foothold in your home, they can be hard to control.

How Did Wool Moths Get In My Rugs?
Here are the top 5 ways rug moths, webbing clothes moths (Tineola bisselliella), and the casemaking clothes moth (Tinea pellionella) get into your home and your rugs:
Brought In With Second-Hand Items: If you've recently brought home a vintage rug, an antique rug, or wool clothing, there is the possibility they might have moth eggs or larvae present, which then infested your wool rug.
Open Windows and Doors: Adult moths can fly into your home through open windows and doors. They are particularly drawn to the dark, undisturbed areas under a sofa or where rugs might be stored.
Entry through Vents: Moths can sometimes find their way into your home through vents or other small openings.
Stored Improperly: If you had your rug stored for a while, a move or remodel tossed haphazardly in a garage, basement or storage facility especially if it wasn't cleaned before storage, in such cases rugs are an easy target for moth larvae.
From Adjacent Infested Areas: If a neighboring apartment, home, or storage area has an infestation, the moths can migrate to your space. Storage facilities are on superhighways, and unwrapped wool rugs are ripe for the picking.

Our Service Area
Renaissance provides cleaning & repair services to the Portland metro area and beyond